Sutera cordata
Ornamental bacopa "Bluetopia" F1 - Bacopa speciosa = Sutera cordata = Bacopa diffusa.
The creeping or cascading shoots of this plant, with proper care, are completely covered with small bright flowers.
Blooms continuously throughout the season, with small waves - a real find for pots and containers!
Does not require the removal of faded flowers. Designed for growing in pots and hanging baskets with a diameter of 25-30 cm. Also suitable for use as a ground cover plant.

Suutera Helesinine juga

Technological information.
Sowing is superficial. Germination for 4 days at a temperature of + 20 + 23 ° C. Optimum temperature for growing: during the day + 15 + 24 ° С, at night + 13 + 15 ° С. Landing in open ground at the end of the threat of frost.
Flowering begins: 8-9 weeks from germination. Does not tolerate both waterlogging and overdrying of an earthen coma, watering is moderate.

Eng.: Ornamental bacopa. Suom.: Lumihiutale. Sven.: Snöflinga. Bot. syn.: Bacopa speciosa, Chaenostoma cordatum, Manulea cordata, Sutera diffusa hort.